New Jersey judges are understandably highly focused and serious when considering requests for final restraining orders (FROs) in family-related violence matters.
We note their close oversight and the attendant FRO process on a relevant page of our family law website at the Bridgewater Law Office of Rajah A. Saadeh, L.L.C. We stress therein the importance of a victim timely securing proven legal help, given the timing aspects and stated legal proof requirements involved.
There are nearly a score of enumerated acts and behaviors that are statutorily encompassed under the category of domestic violence in the Garden State. They centrally include various types of assault, as well as harassment and stalking.
The latter entry was at a former time far simpler to assess than it is nowadays, with a deluge of new products entering the marketplace that can be inappropriately used by vindictive parties to unlawfully spy on ex-partners.
There is no other way to put that. Angry and controlling former spouses and lovers are finding creative ways to employ high-tech gadgetry in underhanded ways to keep close tabs on their exes. As one article spotlighting the 21st-century world of sophisticated stalking states, “Malicious exes now have access to a world of tech-facilitated stalking methods.”
Like everybody else, judges have to adopt a modern mindset that fully appreciates how constantly evolving technology opens up new opportunities for wrongdoers to clandestinely monitor their ex-partners.
An experienced New Jersey family law attorney can help a victim persuasively present stalking and/or related violence-linked evidence to a court.