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High-asset divorce case instructive regarding marital property

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2018 | Divorce

Every divorce in New Jersey and elsewhere is deeply meaningful for participants. We note on our Bridgewater family law website at The Law Office of Rajeh A. Saadeh that such is the case “no matter your station in life.”

Having said that, though, we additionally stress that “for higher earners or married couples with complex estates, there is much more at stake.”

Take the ongoing high-stakes divorce case of Remy and Lara Trafelet, for instance. We pass along some of the material details of that drama for the instructive value they might yield for select divorcing couples.

The Trafelet’s split is marked by evidence that seemingly indicates Remy’s clear intent on making things as difficult as possible for his impending ex. The judge presiding over the matter certainly harbors no illusions about that, with one inside source stating that the court recognizes well the “scorched earth” tactics being employed by the husband.

The referenced strategy is obviously to make things as difficult and expensive as possible for Lara Trafelet as she seeks to accurately identify and value all the marital property owned by the couple. Reportedly, Remy Trafelet – a notably wealthy hedge fund manager – has purposefully placed assets in scattered companies and trusts, as well as intermingled them in a complicated way. Remy’s legal counsel contends that the husband is seeking to apply undue pressure on his wife and promote litigation at every turn.

Remy Trafelet will now have some ramped-up resources to assist her as she fights back and works with her professional team to fully spotlight all marital property relevant in the divorce. The court recently demanded that her husband make an “interim” payment to her of $4.1 million to help her with that process and related tasks.

Some divorces are civil – even amicable – affairs.

As today’s highlighted case underscores, others aren’t, with the potential for rancor and bad-faith tactics to surface in an outsized way when substantial assets are involved.

Individuals pitted in such a contest might reasonably want to contact a family law attorney with a deep well of experience in high-asset divorces without delay. Proven legal counsel can provide material assistance in tracing, characterizing and valuing property, as well as ensuring that it is ultimately distributed in a fair way.

