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Divorce asset splitting sometimes invites coordinated effort

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2020 | Divorce

Some divorces are comparatively simple affairs. Many dissolution proceedings that flow quickly and decisively often spotlight some common ground.

Soon-to-be exes are able to guide the process in an overall amicable way, for example. The often complex concerns surrounding child custody and support might not feature. A marriage might have been short-lived and lacking the tenure necessary to acquire considerable assets.

There is of course a flip side to that, namely, divorces that feature material complexity, some spousal disagreement and arduous efforts required to come to mutual understanding on key points.

That is something similarly stressed in a recent Forbes divorce-linked article and on our website at the established New Jersey Law Office of Rajeh A. Saadeh. Both sources emphasize this: The complexity tied to dissolution is often directly connected to the magnitude and scope of marital wealth.

That means this: High-asset divorce is often complex and sometimes belabored.

Moreover, it can sometimes require input from multiple professionals to optimally resolve.

We underscore that point on our website. We note therein that our proven representation in high-asset divorce often features “coordinating with third-party mediators, accountants, financial planners, valuation experts and other professionals.”

Forbes too notes the frequent need for collaboration among experts in a high-net-worth decoupling. It stresses that, while an established divorce attorney will “quarterback the effort with knowledge and finesse,” a carefully integrated team approach is sometimes needed to garner best results for a client.

The makeup of such a team – as well as questions surrounding its perceived need in a given case – can be discussed in a timely and candid way with proven legal counsel.


