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Practical ways to shield your financial interests during divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2022 | Divorce

The end of your marriage will bring financial changes to your life. These changes are inevitable, regardless of how much money you have or the value of your assets. It is important to take immediate action to shield your financial interests from the earliest stages of your divorce. From the moment you decide to move forward with this process, it is possible to protect yourself, seek reasonable terms, and lay the foundation for a strong future. 

Your financial interests are on the line during your New Jersey divorce. Every decision you make has the potential to impact you for years to come, and it is in your best interests to think long-term as you take each step. With the right perspective and a focus on what will make the most sense for your future, you can secure terms that will allow you to look at your future with confidence.  

Smart financial moves 

Finances are some of the most critical, and often most contentious, aspects of a divorce. One of the first steps you will need to take is to figure out how much money you actually have. Take inventory of your bank accounts, retirement accounts, physical assets, and more, seeking accurate values on all of your marital property. After this, other steps you may find useful include: 

  • Be honest with disclosures, and speak out if you suspect your spouse is hiding assets. 
  • Close joint credit cards and open separate bank accounts as soon as possible. 
  • Consider reducing your spending and saving money for an emergency fund. 
  • Seek the professional assistance you need to make practical and sustainable financial decisions. 
  • Consider the tax implications of all the decisions you are making, including keeping certain assets. 

The terms of your divorce should be fair, providing you with what you need to have security now and well into the future. As you consider your options during the divorce process, you may find it helpful to set aside your own temporary feelings and focus on what will be best long-term. 

Support and guidance 

You will benefit from having experienced guidance and knowledgeable support at every step of the divorce process. This will ensure that you have the insight you need in order to make practical and sustainable decisions for your future. With smart choices along the way, you can shield your financial interests during your divorce. 

