Get A Domestic Violence Restraining Order
We Understand The Urgency Of The Situation
If you have obtained a temporary restraining order (TRO) against someone in New Jersey based on domestic violence, it is important to hire legal counsel right away. You have very little time to prepare for the final restraining order hearing, where your abuser will have the opportunity to defend himself or herself in court.
The law in New Jersey dictates that such hearings must take place within 10 days of the date that you obtained your temporary restraining order, although that time period is frequently extended for a short period to allow you and the defendant to retain attorneys and prepare for trial. After the trial, a judge will decide whether to dissolve your TRO or to grant you a final restraining order (FRO) against the defendant.
Don’t delay. Get legal counsel today.
The Law Office of Rajeh A. Saadeh, L.L.C., has helped many clients get protective orders to keep themselves and their children safe. Call our Bridgewater office at 908-864-7884.
Obtaining A Final Restraining Order In New Jersey
To get a final restraining order (FRO) based on domestic violence, you must prove two things:
(1) You must convince the judge that the defendant committed at least one act of domestic violence against you. The first page of your temporary restraining order includes a list of 19 acts of domestic violence, and you must provide evidence that your abuser committed any one of the acts that you indicate. Also on the first page of your temporary restraining order, above the list of 19 checkboxes listing the acts of domestic violence recognized in New Jersey, is a section that should state what the defendant did that amounts to the act or acts of domestic violence that you suffered. This section and your selection of acts of domestic violence are very important; if you do not properly select the acts of domestic violence or sufficiently describe them, you will not be able to successfully argue your case before the judge.
(2) You must establish that an order of protection is needed to protect you from either imminent danger or future acts of domestic violence. The judge must consider any history of domestic violence, including acts that you have not reported. On the first page of your temporary restraining order, below the list of 19 checkboxes listing the acts of domestic violence recognized in New Jersey, is a section that should state the history of abuse by the defendant that you have suffered. This section is as important as the one where you describe the most recent act of domestic violence your abuser committed against you because even if you show that the defendant committed domestic violence, you may not necessarily obtain a final restraining order if you cannot make the case that the abuser might commit future acts of domestic violence.
That is not to say that there always needs to be a history of domestic violence to obtain a final restraining order. Some acts are so egregious and serious that they warrant an order of protection without any prior abuse. However, if you intend to raise any history of domestic violence in court at the trial, you must indicate those events on the temporary restraining order in sufficient detail.
We Know How To Help You
Attorney Rajeh A. Saadeh has helped numerous victims of domestic violence — women and men — obtain final restraining orders against their abusers in numerous jurisdictions throughout New Jersey. In addition to current or former significant others such as husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, our office has helped parents obtain FROs against children, siblings and even roommates. Before the hearing, we will review the TRO and advise whether you need to amend it so that all information, facts and acts of domestic violence are properly included to maximize your chances of success at the hearing.
The outcome of your domestic violence case can have lasting effects on you and your family, and not just for safety and protection. That’s why it’s important to hire an attorney you can trust to aggressively fight for your rights. The Law Office of Rajeh A. Saadeh, L.L.C., has lawyers with the experience, skill and dedication to help with your domestic violence case.
We practice in the family courts of all jurisdictions of New Jersey, including Middlesex County, Somerset County, Hunterdon County, Morris County, Union County and Mercer County. Call us at 908-864-7884 or complete our online contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible to follow up.