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January annually a key month in the divorce realm

On Behalf of | Jan 13, 2020 | Divorce

There’s a clear reason why every machine and piece of workout equipment seems to be in constant use during January in health clubs in New Jersey and nationally. The same holds true to explain an annual January uptick in subscribers to weight-loss programs and various self-help programs of all sorts.

The motivator: end-of-year resolve and the good-faith intention of legions of Americans to make adjustments in areas where they believe change is fundamentally necessary.

“Have you made any New Year resolutions?” is a commonly voiced query nationally toward the end of every year, with the response being an unequivocal “yes” in millions of cases. People want to dump the desserts and hit the gym. They want to read more. They want to travel. They want to pay down debt.

And they want to divorce.

A distinct and recurring phenomenon in the family law realm is January’s routine emergence as a time when divorce filing undergoes an empirically proven spike. One recent article on that reality duly points to January’s designation as “Divorce Month.” That tag that seems well earned owing to the comparatively amped-up dissolution-linked inquiries that occur during the first month of every year.

Many family law attorneys readily acknowledge the uptick in divorce activity that quickly follows the arrival of a new year. “It is absolutely true,” says one practitioner, that January “is the highest [month] for either new clients or divorce filings.”

Online searches targeting divorce flatly buttress the claim, and myriad research studies confirm it.

Of course, an experienced and empathetic family law lawyer is ready to provide sound and tailored guidance to valued and diverse divorce clients at any time of the year.

