The threat of losing your home to foreclosure can be disheartening. You may not be sure how you can ever get ahead or make the calls from creditors stop, but there are options available to you that will allow you to reclaim your financial security and stay in your...
Could a short sale help you avoid foreclosure?
Buying a home is often one of the most exciting times in a person’s life, especially if it is the first home. Unfortunately, even if a person could afford the home when first purchased, financial issues could affect anyone at any time. In some cases, New Jersey...
Threatened with foreclosure? You have options.
One of the most frustrating consequences of owing a significant amount of debt is the possibility of losing your home to foreclosure. If you are behind on your mortgage payments, you may get a notice from your lender that the foreclosure process will begin unless you...
Mortgage challenges remain high for many New Jersey homeowners
Residents of New Jersey will collectively look back one day at current housing-linked challenges that were ultimately overcome. Candidly, it’s hard to say when that day will come. Hopefully it will arrive soon. Relevant signs indicate, though, that...
Easing the financial stress with a loan modification
Life can throw curve balls and that also goes for finances. When things get pretty financially tough for a New Jersey homeowner, he or she may consider a loan modification as a way of easing the financial stress. Essentially, loan modifications restructure a...
Temporary federal relief announced for challenged homeowners
Officials from federal mortgage companies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have COVID-19 prominently on their minds.In fact, government regulators have had a top-tier view of the economic calamity spawned by the virus, and they have taken measures to help homeowners deal...
Is bank in good faith or just another distressed-mortgage investor?
The mega bank Goldman Sachs buys distressed home loans.That in itself is hardly noteworthy. What does make the bank’s activity in a so-called “niche market” interesting, though, is what it does thereafter. Developments on that front have become a...
Continuing repercussions from historic housing collapse
It’s not hard to recall the nation’s unprecedented housing collapse that first garnered a prominent spotlight back in 2008, is it?The ripples flowing from that debacle still reverberate in New Jersey and many other pockets of the country. Legions of...
As always, local and national foreclosure updates revealing
The Inman Group recently released findings relevant to both New Jersey and national foreclosures. That organization – an entity that provides the country’s realtors and brokers with broad-based industry information – underscores what is essentially a...
Facing foreclosure in New Jersey? You are not alone
Struggling with debt and falling behind on a mortgage can make a person feel scared and isolated. However, it is important to understand that you are not alone if you are in this situation. Hundreds of thousands of other people can go through this process every...