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Family law: Co-parenting your kids after divorce

Professionals have consistently stated that children who have relationships with both parents fare better than those who don’t. So, when parents in New Jersey decide to divorce and share joint custody, luckily there are family law guidelines to help them to co-parent their children. Having a solid co-parenting plan in place does a long way in ensuring the emotional and physical well-being of kids.

Co-parenting benefits for kids

Moving to a co-parenting relationship with a former spouse from a personal relationship is necessary to truly make co-parenting work. Despite a marriage being over, a family is still a family and as such, parents must put their children’s needs before their own and make decisions regarding them with mutual respect. There are a number of ways co-parenting can be a positive experience for children:

  • Gives them a sense of security — children of co-parents feel loved by each parent
  • Their lives are given some consistency — children thrive with routines
  • Better mental and emotional health
  • Have positive examples to follow. When children see their parents working together peacefully, they, too, learn those skills
  • Learn problem-solving skills

Focus on the children

Professionals remind co-parents never to put their children in the middle of conflict they may have with each other. In fact, it is important to shield children from any parental conflict altogether. It’s crucial never to use children as messengers, never to speak disparagingly of the other parent in front of the children and make sure children are always the focus of co-parenting. Ironically, good co-parenting can actually improve communication between former spouses.

There are so many positive methods to use for New Jersey residents to become great co-parents. Those who need some direction, may want to speak to a lawyer experienced in family law. Co-parenting plans aren’t always easy to fashion and some legal advice might be prudent.

