When parents divorce, the youngest members of the family can experience significant changes in virtually every area of their lives. For many kids, these changes are difficult to navigate, and they may struggle with having to split time with their parents. You want to protect your kids as much as possible, which means that you will be intentional about seeking a custody order that is truly in their best interests. For many New Jersey families, this means opting for a joint custody arrangement.
In a joint custody arrangement, both parents will share relatively equitable parenting time with the kids. It may be helpful to remember that equitable does not necessarily mean equal, but it does mean that your kids will have the opportunity to have a strong relationship with both parents after a divorce. While it can be difficult to work with the other parent, joint custody may be the right choice for your family.
Why should you consider this choice?
There is no perfect custody solution for any family, which is why it is important to carefully consider all of your options before you make any important decisions that could impact your family long-term. Joint custody is often the preference of family courts, and it may be the easiest way to provide your kids with regular access to both parents, which is important for their mental and emotional health. Other benefits of choosing joint custody include:
- You and the other parent will share the burden and responsibility of disciplining the kids.
- With joint custody, you will have time for your own personal life when the kids are with their other parent.
- You and the parent may be able to share the financial responsibility for daily expenses.
- You will have an established routine that will provide you and your kids with stability and appropriate expectations.
Joint custody is not for everyone, but it could be the right way to ensure that your family has what is necessary for stability and security long after your divorce is final.
The best future for your children
The intent of any custody and visitation plan is providing your children with a custody arrangement that is best suited to the individual needs of your family. By prioritizing the best interests of your children, it will be easier to remove temporary emotions and focus on practical decisions. You may find it beneficial to have experienced guidance as you walk through this process and consider the benefits of joint custody.